Recover While You Run

Recover While You Run

When we think of running and recovery, we generally visualize stretching, massage, rolling, or other post-workout activities. These are all excellent activities, but they only happen after the running workout is complete. Instead of recovering only after you’ve...
Healing is Possible!

Healing is Possible!

Please enjoy the beginning of Chapter 1 from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon. Download the entire chapter. Your body is wonderfully resilient. It wants to serve you and make possible all the sports and activities you love. However, I know this is...
Gain Fitness Through Adequate Recovery

Gain Fitness Through Adequate Recovery

Fitness is gained when you rest. The workouts you do break your body down. It is commonly accepted that you don’t weight train everyday because you would continually grow weaker with each workout. Every time you lift weights you are creating micro-tears in your...