Jessica Kisiel
Wellness Blog
Posture & Technique Blog Posts
Classes to Balance Your Body and Mind
Imagine a class that combines yoga, Pilates, core training, body awareness, and breathwork. Then add exercises proven to improve alignment, balance, and function. Next, blend practices into the class that calm the nervous system and expose the mind to new perspectives...
3 Exercises to Relieve Neck Pain
This is the second blog in a two-part series on neck pain. Read the first blog: Neck Pain and Posture. This is a collaboration with Dr. Michael L. Rothman, M.D. Dr Rothman is a former orthopedic surgeon and Advanced Exercise Therapist (AET), certified by the Egoscue...
Neck Pain and Posture
Please enjoy this guest blog by Dr. Michael L. Rothman, M.D. Dr Rothman is a former orthopedic surgeon who now helps his patients overcome chronic pain using posture alignment therapy. He is an Advanced Exercise Therapist (AET), certified by the Egoscue Institute, who...
Which shoes do I recommend?
Shoes, shoes, shoes! There are so many to choose from, making it hard to select the right pair. As a result, I am often asked for advice on this purchase. So, here’s what I usually say: Your shoes provide the interface between your feet and the ground. Good posture...
End Chronic Knee Pain Through Alignment
We learned everything we needed to know about our skeleton in kindergarten . . . Recall a section of the lyrics from the children’s song Dem Bones: “The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone, . . . The leg bone's connected to the knee bone, The knee bone's connected...
3 Gentle Back Extension Exercises
Back extension is a normal human movement! However, doing back extension exercises, particularly of the lumbar spine (low back), is not universally practiced or accepted. In fact, people have strong opinions about this issue. I have had students refuse to do these...
Clamshells and Balancing the Gluteus Medius
The clamshell is a classic exercise that’s typically given to strengthen the gluteus medius through external hip rotation. Unfortunately, many people often perform the exercise without proper positioning, muscle integration, and breathing. Something I often tell my...
Membership Website Launching in October
I am excited to announce the pre-launch of The Pain Free Athlete membership website. The site officially launches on October 1, 2021. The creation of this website is one of the benefits of Covid-19. A year and a half ago, I moved all of my in-person classes to Zoom....
How to Reach to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain
As humans we are often reaching directly in front of our bodies to do tasks with our hands. For instance, we type and use a mouse on our computers; chop, cook and clean in the kitchen; text on our phones; eat our meals; and much, much more. But have you ever...
The Connection Between Neck Pain and Breathing
Although the diaphragm and intercostals are the primary muscles of inspiration, several neck muscles play an accessory role in bringing air into the body. Furthermore, when these primary muscles of inhalation are not working optimally, or you are breathing heavily...
Sciatica: 3 Exercises to Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatica is a literal pain in the butt! I have suffered from sciatica on and off for years. I feel it in my left glute, and when it gets really bad, the pain extends down my hamstring on the back of my upper thigh. If you’ve had it, then you know that it can be quite...
What does it mean to be a Pain Free Athlete?
You are an athlete! An athlete is anyone who desires to be active and challenge themselves. In my definition, competition and organized sports are not required to be an athlete. However, in the era of Covid-19, there aren’t many, if any, events to participate in...
Home Office Setup and Workday Exercises
Admit it! You’ve done this, or sat in a similar position, while working at home recently. I know I have. In the last couple of months, everything has become virtual--classes, meetings, family get-togethers, workshops, even happy hours. We are spending more time than...
How to Take and Analyze Posture Photos
How aligned is your posture? When striving for improved wellness in any area of life, it is always a good idea to have a baseline. For example: before starting a medication for high blood pressure, you measure your current readings. When beginning a healthy nutrition...
Breathe Better: Use Your Nose
How strong is your nose? Have you ever considered that the function of your nose is dependent on muscles? Did you know that if you don’t nasal breathe, these muscles can become weak and imbalanced? Use it or lose it applies to your nose! Recently, I had the...
Try 14 Days Of Classes Free
Take posture fitness classes on your own schedule or attend a LIVE Class!
Membership plans give you access to recorded LIVE classes, weekly LIVE online classes & specialized instructor-led courses!

Join Live or Choose From 100+ On Demand Classes

Thousands of Classes In Your Pocket

Fix Your Rounded Shoulders
10 Classes

Building A Strong Core
10 Classes
Instructor-Led Courses
Take a course that’s directed at your personal posture or pain problem.

Stay Motivated with Jessica!
With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.

Try it For Free Today!
- Intro to Posture Therapy Course
- Access to recordings of all weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes
- Everything in Starter Membership
- Access to weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes
- Everything in Growth Membership
- Access to all specialized Instructor-Led Courses.
- Access to all newly added specialized Instructor-Led Courses
“Walks with strength and ease. My testimony to your work is that I am recovering over-all strength, I’ve re-learned how to walk and now have enough abdominal strength to support a free, healthy stride, and my bunion has improved so much that my toes quit hurting about a year ago, and now I can wear more normal shoes. Wow! Thank you!”

Linda Schmidt
“Improved Quality of Life. Learning and practicing posture fitness exercises has eliminated my chronic pain incurred from sport injuries, computer work and stressful lifestyle habits. Jessica’s weekly live posture class is a great addition to my personal exercises she has given me. Her thorough explanations helps reinforce the correct techniques for exercises that I continually practice on my own to maintain correct alignment! ”

Debbie Testa
“Quicker Recovery from Hip Replacement. I’ve taken Jessica’s Posture Fitness class since the fall of 2017. A few weeks ago, I fell and broke my hip. This is my second hip replacement! Partly because of the exercises we do in Jessica’s Posture Fitness Class, I am doing better this time around than I did last time. I am stronger. The Pain Free Body Coaching Group that I took has helped me deal with the pain that accompanies a hip replacement. Thank you, Jessica, for your classes and helping us live a better quality of life!”

Julie Moss