COVID-19 Risk, Exercise and Immunity

COVID-19 Risk, Exercise and Immunity

  Why are so many athletes contracting COVID-19? This was the question my editor asked me a couple of weeks ago. In response, I explained that after exercising, our immunity is decreased. So, our risk of infection is greater following a workout. Consequently, if...
Recover While You Run

Recover While You Run

When we think of running and recovery, we generally visualize stretching, massage, rolling, or other post-workout activities. These are all excellent activities, but they only happen after the running workout is complete. Instead of recovering only after you’ve...
How to Stop Freaking Out When You Hurt

How to Stop Freaking Out When You Hurt

I hate being in pain! The other night, following a mountain bike ride, my left shin hurt so much I couldn’t even stand on it! I didn’t think I had done anything out of the ordinary. Yet, my leg was killing me. It’s funny how everything else I had to do that night...